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The Importance of Nutrition in Health Care

Consider the Following

Do you know any industry, other than the health care industry, that says with a straight face and gets away with it?

The quality of the materials that go into building our products are irrelevant.


The quality of the materials that are used to maintain the operation of our products are also irrelevant.

Now think about this:

Mixed nuts in jar

All of the structure and functions of the human body are built from and run on nutrients. ALL OF THEM. Nutrients are obtained from what we eat.

And, every moment of every day, cells, tissues and organs and thousands of biochemical messengers (enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.) are being broken down and rebuilt.

Yet the conventional health care industry does not consider it worth talking about the quality of the materials used in this perpetual recycling of the human body. We are led to believe any old thing will do as long as it is with in the broad outline of the infamous food pyramid.

We are told to eat high-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, low-fat diets with no discussion of the various types and qualities of these food groups. In actual fact, the composition of the body is largely water, with the solid portions about ¾ protein and ¼ fat, containing several pounds of minerals and tiny, tiny amounts of carbohydrates. You go figure.

In this plan, going to the junk yard (junk food, processed packaged devitalized food, incomplete chemical imitation vitamins and indigestible minerals) for your rebuilding material is just fine.

The materials with which we build and rebuild all the structure and functional components of the body are considered so unimportant that most conventional health care practitioners are given little if any training on the subject of nutrition.

This subject is usually called “nutrition” but could more accurately be called “applied anatomy, physiology and applied biochemistry.”

Evaluation of the right quality and quantity of nutrients that builds ad continuously rebuild our bodies should rightly be a foundational starting point in any health care consideration.

To drive home this point, consider the following analogy:

The airline industry has decided that if this approach works for the health care industry, they will follow suit.

Aircraft are now built from scrap metal and various other materials from the junkyard. They are serviced whenever the industry gets around to it, with similar junk yard materials. When the jets constantly malfunction and crash, the airline industry runs elaborate and costly diagnostic tests and procedures, and discovers all kinds of things that aren’t working right.

When warning lights light up in the cockpit, duct tape is applied over them to “cure” the disorder.

But never are the qualities and properties of the materials used to build and maintain the planes evaluated. If anyone in the industry brings up the subject of evaluating the building materials, they are called quacks, and told that such alternative approaches are unproven.

When the jets crash and kill people, the airline industry still refuses to talk about the materials used to build their aircraft, because they learned from the health care industry that it just doesn’t matter.

The bottom line is:

No industry in existence could ever get away with such blatant nonsense, deception and lack of common sense, except the health care industry.

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